Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Splurge vs. Steal

Every year at the beginning of each new season I find myself in a splurge vs. steal tug-of-war.  Should I save my money and buy quality pieces or is it more important to have a full closet of inexpensive clothing to build multiple outfits around?  Should I invest in classic pieces or just make do with whatever I can find at TJ Maxx, Marshalls and Target?  Do I buy the $10 tee that will most certainly not make it to next year, or do I invest in a Splendid or James Perse tee and wear it for years to come.  Does it all equal out eventually...$10 shirt this year and a $10 shirt next year to replace last years or $20 for a shirt that will last for two years?  Is there a middle ground?

One fashionista blog will tell you to stay away from the sales racks.  The pieces on those racks will not fit well or fit into your wardrobe next year, which is why they are marked down.  Another fashionista will say only to shop the sales racks and stores like TJ Maxx. Where do you draw the line?  What is worth buying from the sale rack and what is worth saving and waiting?

I find myself going round and round on this topic and I think that it is time to find a middle ground.  I came across a blogger recently whom I think had a very good take on the subject of splurge vs. steal.  Her thoughts were that we should save for those classic pieces and invest in quality instead of quantity.  However, if you love a piece that is above your budget, wait for it to go on sale.  If we are buying sales items with a plan and purpose, it would be possible to build that coveted wardrobe.  However this will take some patience to wait for those sales.  It also prevents spontaneous purchases that, let's be honest, we will most likely regret in the near future.  

While I do think that the aforementioned stores do have some great pieces to add to my wardrobe, maybe those should be confined to trendy pieces that may or may be a trend next season or next year ( aka neons).  However, maybe more timeless, classic pieces should be an investment.  One of the items that I would consider a splurge, but a georgous one at that, would be a classic Equipment silk shirt.  In a solid, I definitely think this would be a classic.  

Or this JCrew Silk Blythe Blouse.  I have had my eye on this one out for a while!

I am also in the market for a new coat this year and adore this JCrew one, but the price tag, EEK!
 However, I know I will use it for years to come.  

I am curious to know your thoughts on splurge vs. steal.  What is your take on building a better wardrobe?

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